BS.300 15/18 kg
WIRE BASKET SPOOL BS300 33,07 / 39,68 lbs
BS.300 22KG
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image_alt_en: "Empty metal basket for 3D filament 0,75 kg", image_alt_us: "Empty metal basket for 3D filament 0,75 kg", image_small_alt_it: "Cestello metallico vuoto per filo 3D 0,75 kg ", image_small_alt_en: "Empty metal basket for 3D filament 0,75 kg", image_small_alt_us: "Empty metal basket for 3D filament 0,75 kg", drawing_alt_it: "", drawing_alt_en: "", drawing_alt_us: "", package_image_alt_it: "", package_image_alt_en: "", package_image_alt_us: "", title_us: "WIRE BASKET SPOOL BS200 FOR 3D FILAMENT 1,65 lbs", package_specs_en: "<table>\r\n<thead>\r\n<tr>\r\n<th>Full Mega Truck</th>\r\n...", package_specs_us: "<table>\r\n<thead>\r\n<tr>\r\n<th>Full Mega Truck</th>\r\n...", tech_drawing_it: nil, tech_drawing_en: nil, tech_drawing_us: "SPC040025_Cestello_BS.200_USA_OK.png", datasheet_us: "SPC040025_Cestello_BS.200_USA_OK.pdf", slug_en: "bs-200_3d-3d-wire-wire-basket-spools", slug_us: "bs-200_3d-3d-wire-wire-basket-spools">, #<Product id: 2, position: nil, published: true, image: 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basket BS300 15 kg 18 kg", drawing_alt_it: "", drawing_alt_en: "", drawing_alt_us: "", package_image_alt_it: "", package_image_alt_en: "", package_image_alt_us: "", title_us: "WIRE BASKET SPOOL BS300 33,07 / 39,68 lbs", package_specs_en: "<table>\r\n<thead>\r\n<tr>\r\n<th>Full Mega Truck</th>\r\n...", package_specs_us: "<table>\r\n<thead>\r\n<tr>\r\n<th>Full Mega Truck</th>\r\n...", tech_drawing_it: nil, tech_drawing_en: nil, tech_drawing_us: "SPC040001_Cestello_BS.300_USA_OK.png", datasheet_us: "SPC040001_Cestello_BS.300_USA_OK.pdf", slug_en: "bs-300-15-18-kg-welding-wire-wire-basket-spools", slug_us: "bs-300-15-18-kg-welding-wire-wire-basket-spools">, #<Product id: 3, position: nil, published: true, image: "BS.300_22_kg.jpg", image_small: "image-small.png", drawing: "BS300_15-18-20-22-27.png", datasheet_it: "bs300_it.pdf", part_number: "BS.300 22KG", title_it: "CESTELLO METALLICO BS300 22 KG", title_en: "WIRE BASKET SPOOL BS300 22 KG ", body_it: "<p>Materiale: filo in acciaio ramato o lucido da t...", body_en: "<p>Material: coppered or uncoppered drawn steel wi...", notes_it: "<p>Tutte le dimensioni, pesi e carichi sono valori...", notes_en: "<p>All the stated dimensions, loads and weights ar...", transport_it: "<p>Per la stabilità dei prodotti durante il trasp...", transport_en: "<p>In order to guarantee the stability of the prod...", package_specs_it: "<table>\r\n<thead>\r\n<tr>\r\n<th>Full Mega Truck</th>\r\n...", package_image: "package_image.png", subcategory_id: 1, d1_it: "300", d2_it: 174.0, d3_nom_it: 52.0, l1_it: 100.0, l2_nom_it: 92.0, v_it: 4315.46, d4_it: nil, e1_it: nil, slug_it: "bs-300-22kg-welding-wire-wire-basket-spools", page_title_it: "Spazzolplastica: cestello metallico filo saldatura...", page_title_en: "Spazzolplastica: metal welding wire basket BS300 2...", meta_description_it: "Spazzolplastica: scopri il cestello metallico per ...", meta_description_en: "Spazzolplastica: discover the BS300 22 kg metal we...", created_at: "2022-04-07 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