Spazzolplastica S.r.l.
Via Beltramini, 32 21020
San Zenone degli Ezzelini Treviso - ITALY
Spazzolplastica North America LLC
1699 Commerce Drive
Stow OH 44224 - USA
Spazzolplastica North America LLC
+1 (234) 542-2251
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20 November 2023

Company Closure | WINTER HOLIDAYS 2023


We would like to inform you that the offices, logistics department (warehouse and shipping) and production of Spazzolplastica will be closed from December 23, 2023 until January 7, 2024 inclusive for the usual Christmas vacation period. Given the difficulties in organizing transports in weeks 49-50-51, in order to ensure on-time deliveries, we kindly ask you to send us the relevant orders no later than week 47.

Deliveries for loads by December 1, 2023 are guaranteed with standard conditions. For additional loads in subsequent weeks, there may be additional freight charges.

For further information, you may contact the following mobile number or write to the following e-mail: mobile: +39 3356118074 / e-mail: sales@spazzolplastica.it


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