Spazzolplastica S.r.l.
Via Beltramini, 32 31020
San Zenone degli Ezzelini Treviso - ITALY
Spazzolplastica North America LLC
1699 Commerce Drive
Stow OH 44224 - USA
Spazzolplastica North America LLC
+1 (234) 542-2251
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24 May 2022

Company closure | June 2022


Company closure | June 2022

We inform our customers that the offices, the logistics dpt. (warehouse and shipments), and the production dpt. of Spazzolplastica will be closed on 2nd June on the occasion of the Republic Day. The company will also be closed on Friday 3rd June.

Spazzolplastica will resume normaly activity starting Monday 6th June 2022.

In case you need any further information, you can contact the following phone number or write to the following email: mobile: +39 3356118074 / email: sales@spazzolplastica.it

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