Spazzolplastica S.r.l.
Via Beltramini, 32 31020
San Zenone degli Ezzelini Treviso - ITALY
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Stow OH 44224 - USA
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+1 (234) 542-2251
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05 March 2024

Plastic Second Life certification in the production of drums, spools and bobbins


PSV certification: Innovation in plastic recycling by Spazzolplastica
stood out on the Italian market for its active commitment to obtain the PSV certification (Plastic Second Life), a strategic move to act as guide for our clients in an age of significant ecological transition. In Italy our company is the first of its sector to get this important certification, showing a concrete commitment towards sustainability and innovation. 

The PSV certification complies with the European standard UNI 15343:2007 and is an assurance to our clients who want to buy drums, spools and bobbins of recycled, certified plastic. This standard guarantees the adoption of the best practices in every phase of the recycling process, from the arrival of the recycled material to the production of the final, high-quality product. This guarantees transparency and traceability in the supply chain. 

PSV certification for our client companies and the environment 
The adoption of the PSV certification(Plastic Second Life)—highlights the commitment of Spazzolplastica towards an ethical treatment of plastic resources. Moreover, it also brings concrete advantages to companies and environment, among which the promotion of a circular economy—which contributes to the reduction of environmental impact linked with the production of new plastic—and the assurance of a responsible treatment of recycled plastic. 

One of the pillars of the PSV certification is the authenticity and quality of the recycled material. In order to reassure consumers and commercial partners on the sustainability of the products, we guarantee that the materials come from trustworthy sources and that the recycling process complies with the high-quality standards. 

The traceability provided by the certification allows clients to follow the process of the recycled material from the source to the final product, being in accordance with environmental regulations and meeting the growing demand of sustainable products. 

Impacts of the Plastic Tax and the role of the PSV certification
“With the introduction of the new European tax laws, like the Plastic Tax, it is fundamental for companies to prove the sustainable origin of the employed materials.” Christian Tonon, our managing director, underlines the importance of transparency on the origin of recycled materials: “The PSV certification becomes a key element for the companies that want to keep high performance standards and comply with the new laws. A concrete example of this commitment is the ability of Spazzolplastica to provide our clients with PSV-certified products, in order to guarantee fiscal benefits (like the exemption from the European Plastic Tax). This can happen thanks to the certification of our products, that have been produced following certified sustainability standards.”


Check out our bobbins/spools – plastic second life: https://www.spazzolplastica.it/prodotti
Check out our drums – plastic second life: https://www.konikdrum.it/

Plastic Second Life certification  in the production of drums, spools and bobbins
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