Spazzolplastica S.r.l.
Via Beltramini, 32 31020
San Zenone degli Ezzelini Treviso - ITALY
Spazzolplastica North America LLC
1699 Commerce Drive
Stow OH 44224 - USA
Spazzolplastica North America LLC
+1 (234) 542-2251
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30 September 2024

Spazzolplastica: Leader in Sustainability with UNI ISO 50001 and UNI ISO 14001 Certifications


Commitment to Energy Efficiency and Minimization of Environmental Impact

Spazzolplastica highlights its commitment to sustainable production through the achievement of UNI ISO 50001 and UNI ISO 14001 certifications. These certifications are a concrete example of reducing environmental impact and promoting responsible management of energy and environmental resources.

The UNI ISO 50001 certification emphasises how Spazzolplastica cyclically improves its energy efficiency through the implementation of photovoltaic systems and the optimization of production processes to reduce energy consumption.

The UNI ISO 14001 certification demonstrates Spazzolplastica's high environmental responsibility by ensuring that all production stages comply with strict environmental standards, from the selection of raw materials to the disposal of products, ensuring environmentally friendly production.

Second Life Plastic Certification: A Sustainable Life Cycle for Plastic Products
Joining these two important recognitions is another pillar of Spazzolplastica’s commitment to sustainability, represented by the "Second Life Plastic" certification. This certification highlights the adoption of recycling and reuse policies for plastic materials, ensuring that the plastic used is recycled. It extends the life cycle of products and also reinforces the company's commitment to overall sustainability.

The certifications obtained by Spazzolplastica serve as a daily guide on its journey toward greater sustainability, positively influencing not only finished products but also production processes, resource use, and the overall corporate culture. The company is determined to maintain high sustainability standards, ensuring that every aspect of its operations contributes positively to the environment and society.

Follow Us on Social Media and Visit Our Website
Stay updated on our commitment to sustainability by following us on social media and visiting www.spazzolplastica.com. On the website, you will find more information and can download detailed PDFs about our certifications and environmental practices. Join us on our journey towards a greener future!

Spazzolplastica: Leader in Sustainability with UNI ISO 50001 and UNI ISO 14001 Certifications
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