Spazzolplastica S.r.l.
Via Beltramini, 32 31020
San Zenone degli Ezzelini Treviso - ITALY
Spazzolplastica North America LLC
1699 Commerce Drive
Stow OH 44224 - USA
Spazzolplastica North America LLC
+1 (234) 542-2251
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03 April 2023

Company closures | Aprile and May 2023


Spazzolplastica Staff wishes you a Happy and Peaceful Easter.

We remind you that the offices, the logistics department (warehouse and shipments) and the production of Spazzolplastica will remain closed:

- from 7th to 10th April (Easter Holidays)
- 24th and 25th April (Anniversary of the Liberation of Italy)
- May 1st (Labor Day)

For more information, you can contact the following mobile number or write to the following email:

mobile: +39 3356118074 | e-mail: sales@spazzolplastica.it

Company closures | Aprile and May 2023
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